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Cover of book in Train Yard with Graffiti painted in Queens New York

"Did You Get A Flick Of That?" Vol -1 (Photographs of Graffiti from the archive)

SKU: 364215376135191

June 2023
ISBN 979-8-9860170-2-0
11 inches wide x 8.5 tall ( 22 x 8.5 open )
Paperback - 164 pages,

( over 400 full color photos )


"Did you Get A Flick Of That? - Vol 1 - 

Photos of Graffiti from my Archive ( 1995 - 2005 ) This book Is a deep dive into my photographic archives, many of which have sat dormant in photo albums for decades. Starting out around 1995 I began photographing any Graffiti I came across. This first volume goes untill 2005 and include's some of my favorite pictures of Graffiti from the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Garbage freights in Bushwick, The Sunny Side Scrap yard in Astoria, Black books, Hand styles, Danbury & New Haven Connecticut, as well as Jersey City And Newark, New Jersey. This is a must have for any Graffiti aficionado, Art or History fan. The vast majority of images in this book are long gone and only available here!  

While supplies last were offering a Deluxe version of the book featuring an original hard copy photograph used in the book. 


VOL # 1 includes over 265 different writers including.. Acne, Agua, Aks, Ame, Amaze, AOne, Area, Aroe, Ast, Aves, Aye, Baal, Beemer, Bek, Betz, Bils, Bio, BL, Brat, Brews, Busta, Camp, Chip 7, Cer, Cern, Ces, Ceaze, Celo, Clark, Cecs, Child, CNote, Coe, Colo, Comik, Cope2, Cost, CS, Cycle, Darks, Daze, Daz, Deck, Deep, Dek, Demo, Delta, Demon 202, Deter, Devs, Dezo, DG, Dmand, Doms, Ead, Earsnot, Edit, Egon, Emit, Enz, Eroc, Espo, Ewok, Ezo, Fanta, Fetish, Fines, Flex, Flite, FN, Foe, Fore, Gage, Gano, Gen2, Geo, Giz, Goal, Gry4, Hace, Haks, Haze, Hence, Hush Sports, JA, Jaze, JB, Jdm, Jerry Gant, Jest, Jew, Jive, Jouk, Kadism, Kami, Karm25, Kasino, Kaws, Keeps, Kech, Kel 5mh, Kemos, Kern, Kerz, Kez5, King Bee, Koor, KR, Kriz, Kuma, Louie 167, Make, Med, Ment, Meres, Merz, Mesoe, Met, Mint, Miss 17, Mize, MN, Mone, Monk, Mugz, Muk, Muse, Mutz, Nace, Naisha, Need, Neks, Net, News, Nov, Noxer, Nuke, Nymz, OE, O'clock, Omye, OP, Ovie, Oze 108, Pane, Peak, Pepe, Per, PG, Phame, Phase 2, Pink, Poem, Pose 2, Pove, Pre, Prim, Psoup, Psycho, Pure, Rate, Rage 3, Rave, RD357, Rebel, Reps, Reo, Rem311, Rem Iof, Revok, Revs, Rime, Risk 9, RN, Ryno, Sace, Sabe, Sag, Sak, SB, Shameak, Scope, Seen, Sel dsk, Semz, Sento, Senz, Serk, Setup, Sever, Sex, Skert, Skrew, Skuf, Shone 237, SI, Sick 156, Sime, Slept, Smith, Snatch, SN, Snow, Soid, Some, Soz, SP, Spot, Stak, Stem, Stren, Swatch, Sub, Tame, Task, Tdee, Teal, Teck BS, Tie, Tilt, Tokeo, Tore, Trip, Twist, Ultra, Vaz, VE, Vet, VFR, Virus, Vulcan, Wae, Wane, Web, West,Year, Yes 2, Zine, Zyre, and many more..

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